“What does a CEO look like?,” asked Maya Penn, who founded her company at age eight.
“An eight-year-old girl doesn’t come to mind.” But that’s just what Maya Penn is: a CEO. In Celebration of International Day of the Girl, a youth-led movement for gender equality and justice and youth activism, Fossil Group was proud to welcome five incredible young women movers and shakers from all over the United States to share their stories. CEOs, founders, creative directors and owners of their own businesses and non-profits, the panelists were all under the age of 17.
Amid a packed room full of more than 250 Fossil employees, community members and kids, the female panelists led a conversation about how they’re creating the biggest impact they can, in the way only they can. The event, which was also streamed globally and recorded to all Fossil Group employees, was the first ever global Opportunity For Her event featuring and inviting youth to participate.
Meet the Panelists
On top of their amazing entrepreneurship, each girl makes sure their company has a purpose. From underserved girls across the globe to their local communities, the girls all raise money and awareness for a specific cause. “Each of us has something we’re meant to be and we can be and do anything,” Isabella Taylor told the audience. “You can do whatever you want to do if you want to do it,” said Asia Newson. “Do not limit yourself; the sky’s the limit.”
After the event, attendees at the Fossil Group Headquarters were able to shop from the panelists’ pop-up shops and volunteer to fold origami to support Paper For Water. In fact employees from Fossil Group offices around the globe took on the challenge of folding enough origami ornaments to support one water well. The donations from 125 handmade origami ornaments help fund each water well. Greater Together indeed.
Throughout the week, global employees used KIVA cards to empower women by coming together to fund female entrepreneurs as well as donated to causes supporting girls, which Fossil Group matches!
ONE #GirlsCount
Being inspired by change and being the change are two different things. Fossil Group took this opportunity to let its employees take action.
ONE, an organization whose mission is to advocate on behalf of those in poverty, launched the #GirlsCount campaign to draw attention to the fact that, in poverty, boys are more likely to get an education than girls.
By inviting people globally to film themselves counting a number between one and 130 million, ONE is hoping to draw attention to the crisis that 130 million girls aren’t in school, and pressure leaders to take action to fix this.. On Oct. 11, Fossil Group set up various booths throughout offices around the globe where employees and guests could make their own video for the campaign.
In honor of International Day of the Girl, Fossil Group also invited employees and their loved ones—as well as Fossil Foundation partners around the world—to raise awareness for the 130 million girls who currently don’t have access to education. Here’s a look at the videos we collected.
Kate White
Global Brand Manager
Chicago Team

Relic Brand Team
Misfit Team
Wholesale Team
Magdalene Wong
S.V.P., Human Resources Asia Pacific
Global Giving and Sustainability
Licensing Team

Logistics Team
Janiece Evans-Page
V.P., Fossil Global Giving and Fossil Foundation
New York Team
Mexico Team
Miami Team
Order Entry Team, Mexico
Annalise Billings
Leathers Design
Steve Evans
E.V.P., Fossil Brand

Casey Green
Creative Director, Fossil Brand
Carolyn Marco
Sr. Jewelry Designer
Amelia Morgan
Fossil Family members
Sara Bruckner
V.P., Planning
Kara Devita
Community Engagement Director
Sheri Wildeman
Account Executive

Susan Liang
Sr. Director, Regional Planning, Asia Pacific
Roshnie Muscarello
V.P., C.C.O, Fossil East
Jordan Page
Fossil Family member

Nicky Dzialak
Concessions Director, Fossil U.K.
Isabelle Adams
Co-C.E.O. Paper For Water,
a Fossil Community Partner
Katherine Adams
Co-C.E.O. Paper For Water,
a Fossil Community Partner
Going To School
Fossil Foundation Partner
Going To School
Fossil Foundation Partner
Going To School
Fossil Foundation Partner
Going To School
Fossil Foundation Partner
Going To School
Fossil Foundation Partner